19 March 2012

Dates for the diary March-April 2012

MARCH 2012

Wed 21st March is Curry night at Le Pub Gambetta
in Eymet, 18:30Chicken and vegetable curry served with rice, bhaji,
naan bread and chutney for 8,50 euros Eat in or take away.
Sat 24th March
Carte blanche to Eric Séva Le OFF Hall de la salle des
fêtes at Eymet, saxophonist, Eric Séva at 7.30 pm at the Salle des
fêtes hall in Eymet. Price €12.Further information http://www.maquizart.com/

Sat 31st MarchBOSS: Band of Sexy Swingers concert
Salle des fêtes hall in EymetThe greatests soul names, funk
bands and hits of rythm'n'blues will be performed by the Flower of Bordeaux's
artists: William Catwright (singing), Roger Biwandu (drums), Lionel
Fortin(fingerboards), Marc Vullo (bass), Christophe Maroye (guitar), Thomas
Lachaize (saxophone). Price €12, €5/child, Family pass €24., 8.30 pm.
APRIL 2012
Sun 1st April Vide grenier & sale of children's clothing
Sat 7th April Robin Notte Quartet Le OFF Hall de la salle des
fêtes at Eymet, 7.30 pm at the Salle des fêtes hall in Eymet. Price
€12.Further information http://www.maquizart.com/

Sat 7th & Sun 8th
April Book Fair

Mon 9th April Vide grenier St Sernin de

Thur 12th April La Soupe aux Livres Pub Gambetta in
Eymet. From 7:30 pm, the actress Claude Fosse
will read extracts of readings. 8:00 pm: soup and dessert. 9:00 pm: repeat of
the readings. €10.
Sun 15th
April Vide grenier

Sun 15th April Flower market and Vide grenier Duras

Sat 21st April Grande Brocante

Sun 22nd April Rando en fête Departure at 9.00am in front of the Tourist Office of Eymet.
Free and open for everyone. Futher information

Sun 29th April Vide grenier